Acupuncture is the practice of inserting filiform needles in strategic places throughout the body in order to elicit a healing response. Acupuncture has been practiced for over 3000 years and has been recognized by the NIH as effective in treating a variety of ailments including but not limited to chronic and acute joint pain, neck and back pain, musculoskeletal injury and pain, headaches, migraine, insomnia, women’s health, fertility, and digestive issues.
Burning a substance called Mugwort or Artemesia on specific regions of the body helps to soothe pain, move the blood, and reinvigorate areas of the body otherwise injured or dis-eased. Mugwort has been used for many hundreds of years to soothe issues as of blood stagnation (varicosity, bruising, abdominal and menstrual discomfort), digestive disturbance, as well as flaccidity of the musculature or numbness and tingling associated with myriad neurological conditions.
Both single herbs as well as Chinese herbs in formulation can be used for a variety of ailments and there have been many clinical trials extolling the virtues of such herbs in the treatment of certain cancers.
Herbs are generally administered in a granular form or in a pill. The side-effects, if administered by a professional, are minimal. Herbal prescriptions tailored specifically to the needs of the client.
Gua Sha (刮痧) is literally translated as “scraping bruises”. It is the activity of scraping the skin with a jade pendant, a Chinese spoon, or a bone implement specifically designed for the technique. By scraping a lubricated patch of skin, modern research has shown that an anti-inflammatory and immune protective effect is created which can persist for several days following a single treatment. Gua sha has been used to treat a variety of ailments including but not limited to: pain, stiffness and scar tissue adhesion.
Recently popularized by Olympic great, Michael Phelps, cupping embodies the mantra that “Where there is blockage, there is pain. Where there is no blockage, there is no pain.”.
Cupping facilitates the flow of blood, lymph, and nerve conduction by releasing fascial adhesions accumulated after injury, surgery, or lifestyle.
Cupping is a cross- cultural phenomenon, reportedly being developed and used throughout the middle east, the far east and has recently found firm footing in the West as an extremely effective therapeutic technique to alleviate pain, stiffness, limited range of movement, as well as facilitate scar healing.
Whether it be walking meditation, seated, standing or form based meditation (Qi Gong and Tai Chi), there is no shortage to the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of meditation. With guidance, meditation can be performed anywhere and at any time. Meditation helps us to focus our minds on our bodies thus enhancing any other healing modality in which we are engaged. The benefits of meditation are well researched but can never be truly limited by conventional understanding.
Qi Gong (氣功)
Qi Gong simply means “Energy Work” or “Life Energy Cultivation.” It is an ancient practiced first developed by Taoist monks in order to strengthen their body, mind, and spirit. Qi Gong movements are derived from movements seen in nature and are used to align the body with the breath and the mind. These movements range from simple and easy to perform to complex and strenuous and can be practiced by any person in any condition to strengthen and heal the body.
Tai Chi (太極)
Tai Chi or Ultimate fist is a form of Qi Gong that has both healing and martial application.
Tai chi has recently been shown to be as good as physical therapy for arthritis related knee pain.